The Role of the United States in the Taiwan-China Conflict - Economydiary

The Role of the United States in the Taiwan-China Conflict - Economydiary

The United States plays a key role in the Taiwan-China conflict. The US has a long-standing "One China" policy, but it also has a commitment to Taiwan's self-defense. This delicate balance has helped to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait for decades.


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One China Policy

The US's "One China" policy is a diplomatic principle that acknowledges the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the sole legitimate government of China. The policy does not take a position on the status of Taiwan, but it does not endorse Taiwan's de jure independence either.

The US adopted the "One China" policy in 1979, when it established diplomatic relations with the PRC. The policy was seen as a way to improve relations with the PRC and to reduce the risk of conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

Commitment to Taiwan's Self-Defense

Despite its "One China" policy, the US also has a commitment to Taiwan's self-defense. This commitment is based on the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), which was passed by the US Congress in 1979.

The TRA states that the US "has an interest in the security and well-being of the people on Taiwan" and that it will "maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan."

The US's commitment to Taiwan's self-defense is a major deterrent to Chinese aggression. China knows that if it invades Taiwan, it will likely face a US military response.

Potential Impact of US Involvement

The potential impact of US involvement in the Taiwan-China conflict is significant. A US-China war would be a major regional conflict with the potential to escalate into a global war.

The US and China are two of the most powerful countries in the world, and both countries have nuclear weapons. A war between the two countries could have devastating consequences for the region and the world.


The US plays a key role in the Taiwan-China conflict. The US's "One China" policy and its commitment to Taiwan's self-defense have helped to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait for decades.

However, the potential impact of US involvement in the Taiwan-China conflict is significant. A US-China war would be a major regional conflict with the potential to escalate into a global war.

It is important for the US to continue to engage with both China and Taiwan in order to manage the conflict and to prevent an outbreak of war. The US should also work with its allies and partners to deter Chinese aggression.

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