Japan May Set Up Biden Meeting With Families Of N.Korea Abductees

Japan May Set Up Biden Meeting With Families Of N.Korea Abductees

TOKYO, April 13 (Reuters) - The Japanese government will work toward realizing a meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and the families of those abducted by North Korea during his planned Japan visit, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said on Wednesday.

Biden is set to visit Japan at some point this year for a planned meeting of the so-called Quad security group that includes Australia, India, Japan, and the United States but no specific date has been announced for the meeting.

He alluded to the potential timing of the visit when he told Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi this week that he looked forward to seeing him in Japan "on about the 24th of May".

Previously, family members of those abducted by North Korea decades ago met with former presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

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